“Renata McConnell there is none other in the Universe as well versed on Crystals and Crystal Healing Energy! Your participation as a speaker and energy healer at The Circle EXPO sponsored by Sibella Publications was simply stunning! Your light and wisdom is so bright it is indeed blinding! Don't ever stop doing what you are doing, Renata ... making things crystal clear for women everywhere! Blessed we all are for your being-ness and feminine courage!” Love, Sibyl English🦋.
Energy is the new performance tool!
Executives of the future understand and implement innovative energetic strategies into “Renata McConnell there is none other in the Universe as well versed on Crystals and Crystal Healing Energy! Your participation as a speaker and energy healer at The Circle EXPO sponsored by Sibella Publications was simply stunning! Your light and wisdom is so bright it is indeed blinding! Don't ever stop doing what you are doing, Renata ... making things crystal clear for women everywhere! Blessed we all are for your being-ness and feminine courage!” Love, Sibyl English🦋.their businesses for maximum performance and goal achievement The Five Elements of Business will give you cutting edge energetic strategies to understand your business partners, coworkers, external teams and yourself. Utilizing this knowledge will increase your employees passion, collaboration and performance.
When the Five Elements are in balance (Water, Wood, Fire, Earth & Metal) they help sustain healthy, thriving interpersonal and business relationships. When the elements are out of balance misunderstandings arise, business deals fail, health issues occur, poor productivity takes place and businesses suffer.
Renata expertly implements over 25 years of energetic experience and her knowledge of the Five Elements in her dynamic Business Coaching events. The Five Elements of Business is the hidden key to success. Book a fun, unique, team bonding energy in-house workshop today and increase your employee's understanding of their elemental strengths and weakness and those of their colleagues and watch shifts happen!
"Energy is the new performance tool of the future and businesses utilizing this powerful resource are reaping the rewards with high performance, revenue increases and goal achievement." Renata McConnell